About Us
From Idea to Reality: The Evolution of Bakersfield Chorus
We came together in the Fall of 2016 as a combination of two choruses from Bakersfield - Bella Nova Acappella Chorus and South Valley Sound Chorus. We became an official chapter of Sweet Adelines International in January 2017 as the appropriately named chorus, Bakersfield Blend! We have grown in membership and knowledge as we improve our art form and continue to share it with the community. Please attend a rehearsal to find out for yourself just what we have become on our journey together.
Local Nonprofit singing in your community
No matter what time of year it is you may see us out in the community donating a performance, entertaining at an event, or having fun raising funds to keep this amazing art form going. Please consider us for your next non-profit donation and know that your help stays in your community for not only chorus education programs but also for donated performances.
Meet The Team
Coming together from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences, our Management and Music Teams contribute to the core of Bakersfield Blend Chorus. Their ideas help shape the direction and mission of our organization as it continues to develop and grow.

The Management Team is always willing to serve our chorus and have a good time!